Driver Report


Filter Criteria

Period from: Start of the evaluation period

to:                                                  End of the evaluation period

Fleets(driver groups):          Default: selected fleet(s). All fleets/driver groups or only certain ones can be selected as long as the user has the access rights to the                                                         fleet/driver group.

Drivers: default:                      as default all drivers are selected, optionally one or more drivers can be selected

Only driver totals:                  Only the total for the driver and the time period are displayed

Weekly totals only:                Only the totals per driver and week are displayed

Inclusive LIVE:                         if a telematics box is installed in the vehicle, the current live data can also be selected here

Execution of the search:      If the search mask is marked "yellow", selection parameters have changed and a new search is to be executed by clicking on the                                                               yellow search mask

Overview (first two lines)

Driver:                                          Last name, first name of the driver and display of the generation of the driver card.

Total values:                              Driving time, working time, availability,  resting time, non-allocated time, total driving +working + availability, total resting + non-allocated time, total of all activities

Average values:                        Driving time, working time, availability,  resting time, non-allocated time, total driving +working + availability, total resting + non-allocated time, total of all activities

"I":                                                Display "L" = live data are available in this period, display "O" = there is a time overlap, reason: the driver card was used in                                                                         vehicles that have different time deviations

Overview (weekly totals)

  S 1: totals of the activities and consolidated totals for the actual week

S 2: totals of the activities and consolidated totals for the current week + the previous week

Display of the totals as described in the first 2 lines

Overview (daily totals)

                     date of the day

start of the first activity of the current day

end of last activity of the current day

daily totals of driving time, working time, availability, resting, non-allocated, total driving + working + availability, total resting + non-allocated time, total of all activities

Details (day)

Symbol "Card slot":              Activity from card slot driver (1) or co-driver (2).

Symbol "vehicle":                  One-man or team activity, symbol "driver card" = supplement on driver card 

Symbol activity driver:         Activity driver / co-driver

Symbol "Globe":                     Country flag = registered country when driver card is entered, "?" unknown status, when live = no indication

Symbol "clock" ->:                Start of the respective activity

Symbol -> "Clock":               End of the respective activity

Symbol "clock":                      Duration of the respective activity

Vehicle:                                        License plate number of the vehicle in which the driver card was inserted

"I":                                                Display "L" = live data are available in this period, display "O" = there is a time overlap, reason: the driver card was used in                                                                         vehicles that have different time deviations 

Footer:                                         Here the total data of the day are displayed,

If "only driver totals" is selected in the filter criteria and the report request is started, the following evaluation appears:

If "only weekly totals" is selected in the filter criteria and the report request is started, the following evaluation appears:

Configuration of the driver report

There are configuration parameters for the assignment of activities in the section "Working hours":

The default values are as follows:

These default values can be changed via the following link Working time parameters

Special Feature: Adding comments for individual activities

You can add a comment for a single activity. This can be useful if it is e.g. a wrong entry in tachographs, which should be documented in the activity. The comment will not be noted on the driver's card, but only stored in the system, and can be displayed on the screen at any time, or appear in the export (e.g. pdf).