Live - Speeds


When the "Speed" tab is clicked, this display appears. These data are the original speeds of the digital tachograph, which are transmitted with the activities.

To the further details in the upper part of the display:

Date selection: The current date is specified here as the default. However, a date from the past (max. 3o days) can also be selected in order to select the speed profile

Last update: The time at which the screen was last updated is specified here.

Refresh frequency: Default = 5 minutes, adjustable from 1 - 5 minutes

Last data transmission: Date/Time when the last data transmission from the vehicle took place

Feature: Specific information about the vehicle, which can be specified individually by the customer. The administration is done via the function "Master data administration vehicles".

Trip meter/kilometer reading: Current kilometers driven, current total kilometer reading. Both data are data of the digital tachograph

Last known activity: Activity currently registered in the tachograph

Last known position: Position where the vehicle was at the time of the last report

Speed/direction: Speed in km/h, direction

Tachograph time deviation: Time deviation of the time set in the tachograph from the current GPS time