

The TachoListener is the connection between the TF website and the PC on which it runs. It allows uploading files to the archive, can read driver cards and use connected card readers to perform remote download with a company card.


The Tacholistener is designed to make the connection between their customer account which is open in browser and the installed telematics systems in vehicles or local connected card readers.

Health Check

Health Check for Tacholistener would be advertised to check if the important steps needed to ensure its functionality are there, such as: Tacholistener version, client access, API, proxy network, Java version, etc.

Details und FAQ

Nach der Installation von Tacholistener sind paar Punkte zu beachten: „Product Notification RDL behind Proxy_Firewall Rel.2.3“ lesen und Ihre Instanz anpassen, Karten Leser Treiber aktualisieren.

Known Issues or Recommendations

Here we will always enter the latest known problems or recommendations to the Tacholistener, so that the customer is informed and that he can quickly identify his problem.