Gaps Reports

Gap Report "No information in vehicle files"

Explanations - Gap Report "no information in vehicle files"

Search Criteria

Period from: Start of the evaluation period

To: End of the evaluation period

Vehicle: Selected vehicle(s). By default, all vehicles of this fleet are always evaluated.

Vehicle summary: The vehicles for which data are missing are displayed

Monthly summary: Per vehicle the selected months are displayed, in which data are missing. With "red" outside the legal deadlines, with "yellow" within the legal deadlines.

Status: Selection :

  • "red" = only vehicles with missing data outside the legal archiving period

  • "green" = vehicles for which no data is missing

  • "yellow" = gaps within the legal archiving period

  • "?" = unknown vehicle status

Execution of the search: If the search mask is marked "yellow", selection parameters have changed and a new search is to be performed by clicking on the yellow search mask.


Vehicle: Vehicle registration number

Status: Indicates whether data is missing within or outside the legal archiving obligation.

Start date: Start date of the vehicle in this fleet

End date: End date of the vehicle in this fleet

First Upload: Date of the first upload for this vehicle

Upload until: Last activity of the last upload for this vehicle


Symbol "Steer" ->: Start time of the gap

Symbol "Steer"<- : End time of the gap

Symbol "Clock": Duration of the gap

Symbol "Speedometer": Gap in km

Km before: Km level before the start of the gap

Km after: Km Status after the gap

Further explanations can be found in the legend.

Gap Report "Vehicle driven without driver card"

Explanations - Gap report "Vehicle driven without driver card"

Search Criteria

Period from: Start of the evaluation period

to: End of the evaluation period

Vehicle: Selected vehicle(s). By default, all vehicles of this fleet are always evaluated.

Vehicle summary: The vehicles that were driven without driver card are displayed

Month summary: Per vehicle the selected months are displayed, which were driven without driver card. With "red" = driven without driver card. "green" = ok

Status: Selection :

  • "red" = only vehicles, with driving without driver card

  • "green" = vehicles driven with driver card

  • "yellow" = not relevant

  • "?" = unknown vehicle status

Duration in minutes: As default only vehicles are displayed that were driven without a driver card >= 5 minutes. Alternatively, other parameters can be set:

  • >= 1 minute

  • >= 2 minutes

  • >= 10 minutes

Execution of the search: If the search mask is marked "yellow", selection parameters have changed and a new search is to be performed by clicking on the yellow search mask


Vehicle: Vehicle license plate

Status: Indicates whether the vehicle was driven without a driver card in the selected time period

Start date: Start date of the vehicle in this fleet

End date: End date of the vehicle in this fleet

first upload: Date of the first upload for this vehicle

Upload until: Last activity of the last upload for this vehicle


Symbol "Steering" ->: Start driving without driver card

Symbol "Steering <- : End time driving without driver card

Symbol "Clock": Duration driving without driver card

Symbol "Tacho": Km driven without driver card

km before: Km status before driving without driver card

Driver before: Driver who drove before without driver card

km after: Km status after driving without driver card

Driver after: Driver who drove without driver card after driving

Further explanations can be found in the legend.

Gap Report "Missing driver Files"

Explanations - Gap Report "Missing driver Files"

Search Criteria

Period from: Start of the evaluation period.

To: End of the evaluation period.

Vehicle: Selected vehicle(s). By default, all vehicles of this fleet are always evaluated.

Vehicle summary: The vehicles for which driver files are missing are displayed.

Month summary: Per vehicle the selected months are displayed, where driver files are missing.

Status: Selection :

  • "red" = driver files are missing outside the legally prescribed archiving period.

  • "yellow" = driver files are missing within the legally prescribed archiving period.

  • "green" = ok.

  • "?" = unknown vehicle status.

Execution of the search: If the search mask is marked "yellow", selection parameters have changed and a new search is to be performed by clicking on the yellow search mask


Vehicle: Vehicle license plate

Status: Indicates whether driver files are missing for the vehicle.

Start date: Start date of the vehicle in this fleet

End date: End date of the vehicle in this fleet

first upload: Date of the first upload for this vehicle

Upload until: Last activity of the last upload for this vehicle


Symbol "Steering" ->: Start driving with missing driver file

Symbol "Steering <- : End time driving with missing driver file

Symbol "Clock": Duration of driving with missing driver file

Symbol "Tacho": Km driven with missing driver file

km and: Km status before missing driver file

Driver before: Driver, before missing driver file

km and: Km status after missing driver file

Driver after: Driver, after missing driver file

Further explanations can be found in the legend.